Month: June 2024

Monday Negro

The European Central bank (BCE) made the night of Sunday a key decision to alleviate the tensions that shake to Spain and Italy in the markets. Urged by the fear to a collapse in the Bags, the organism decided the purchase of Spanish and Italian national debt in an attempt to alleviate the high interests that demand the investors to bonds of both countries. The president of the BCE, Jean-Claude Trichet, in the evening summoned an urgent videoconference with the advisors of the monetary authority which he left the decision of " to apply activamente" the program of purchase of debt of countries with problems, according to the official notice made public on the 11 at night. Although it does not detail specifically what type of debt will be acquired, the official notice starts with a recognition of the reforms in Italy and Spain and with the conviction that he is " esencial" to apply them to reduce the imbalances, which is equivalent to say that these will be the countries benefitted by the bond purchase. Jong Hee gathered all the information. Source of the news: : The BCE will buy Spanish debt Italian to avoid ' Monday negro'


The experience tour with the Passau-card holiday program make every day a new surprise: relax and enjoy at the same time, some companies and discover the Bavarian culture and hospitality offers all the experience package in the Bavarian Bad Griesbach in the Passauer land. Offering comprehensive health, soothing water from Bad Griesbach’s. Healing springs and the appealing landscape between the Danube and Inn, which holds open many leisure and adventure possibilities, promise success for health and well-being. The offer allows a genre in terms of culture, sport and leisure in the Bavarian Golf & thermal state: seven days holiday from 185 euro. Over 80 services, which can combine the guests to your individual holiday and health experience includes: relax at the Wellness Spa, sporting bathing in the heated outdoor swimming pool, a tour of three rivers in Passau, taster golf in Europe’s largest golf resort, and much more. With Bad Griesbach as a starting point can be varied Schedule vacation weeks in the Passauer land. The PassauCard is essential part of the experience package. With her guests can put together your holiday program easily whim even.

Spas, exhibitions, and theme parks are waiting to be discovered and experienced. For example, the Cowboys and Indians provide an exciting experience in Pullman city in Eging a. Lake. There for 24 hours, two, three, seven, 14 or 21 days worth/passaucard /.

Two For An Action At Airparks Frankfurt Pay once, twice Park! Passengers who travel until the end of March and until March 30, 2009 book a parking lot for the winter special price with return trips, voucher parking on same parking in the same area of the park for a second time. This can be redeemed until 30 March 2009 (latest return journey) and from 01 January to 30 March 2010 (latest return journey). “We are very happy, to be able to make this great offer on the popular Airparks car parks for our customers,” reports CEO Matthew Pack. Technologies Inc. has said that publicly. “Who now in time secures a parking lot, can two stress-free at the airport travel and and save up to 70% over the official Terminal prices.” He Airparks parking Frankfurt is 24 hours daily personnel occupied, fenced, lighted and video monitors. The car park is locked day and night and the access is possible only by entering a PIN. The 24-hour shuttle service to the airport and back is the price included and takes about 10 minutes. is the German-language online airport hotels and specialist-parking at all major airports in Germany, Austria, Holland, Belgium and in the Switzerland.

World Population Threatens The New Epidemic Of The Influenza Virus …

In a world of rapidly spreading outbreak of a new influenza virus. Russia has presented its new Washington Climate Doctrine. In charge of ecology in the government of Russia will be a new department. Energy Saving lamps are hazardous to health. Antarctic glaciers began to fall apart into pieces. gathered all the information. Scientists urged to completely abandon fossil fuels. Matlack can provide more clarity in the matter. Global warming may change cooling. Memorable dates of the week: Day Chemical Safety and Remembrance Day conflicts with the use of chemical weapons. Photofact: Secret inhabitants of the deep sea. Overview of events for the week of 27/04/2009 to 03/05/2009. In a world of rapidly spreading outbreak of a new influenza virus of swine influenza outbreak which was recorded in North America, is spreading rapidly around the world. In Mexico, officially confirmed that the virus H1N1, or swine flu has killed more than 160 people.

In the spread of the virus in Mexico taken unprecedented measures: closed schools, canceled events, closed a number of theaters, museums and exhibitions. Cases or suspected that the virus is also available in the U.S. Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand, Spain and France. Experts note that the swine could mutate and become even more dangerous. Currently, as noted by the who, people have no immunity to the type of virus that now spreading rapidly across North America and is threatening pandemic worldwide. On the basis of epidemiological evidence of sustained transmission from person to person, at least two countries in one region, who has decided to increase the phase of readiness for the fight against swine flu from fourth to fifth.

Wie Bekomme Ich Einen Flachen Bauch?

Wie bekomme ich einen flachen Bauch? Mit flachen Bauch erfordert, dass ein gesunder Körper im Allgemeinen die erste Sache, die dauert länger und schwieriger Weg ist, um das Fett zu reduzieren, das Ihre Taille umgibt. Aber dazu musst du das Fett Ade ganzen Körper reduzieren! Bauch-Übungen können Muskeln, Bauch stärken, aber wenn sie mit Fett abgedeckt sind, wird Ihr Magen nie flach sein. Hier sind die wichtigsten Aktivitäten müssen Sie durchführen, um einen flachen Bauch zu bekommen. Kalorien zählen das bedeutet sich bewusst sein, wie viele Kalorien Sie brauchen jemanden Ihr Geschlecht, Alter und Body-mass-Index, Ihr gegenwärtige Gewicht beizubehalten und dann weniger Kalorien als das Essen. Gehen Sie nicht durch die Anzahl der Kalorien zu niedrig, Forzarías Ihren Körper, für eine Hambrea zur Verfügung zu setzen, was bedeutet, dass Sie alles Fett, das Sie ansammeln anstelle von brennen.

Essen Sie kleine Portionen von gesunden Nahrungsmitteln, mehrmals auf die Tag, auf der Suche ein wenig unter Ihrem Niveau von Kalorien. Übung-Cardio-Herz-Kreislauf-Training ist die effektivste Möglichkeit, Fett aus dem Körper zu verbrennen. Suchen Sie verschiedene Aktivitäten, die wirklich motivieren Sie und kombinieren Sie diese während der Woche. Communications understands that this is vital information. Spielen Sie Tennis oder Fußball, walking Beam, Praxis, mittags schwimmen oder Joggen in einer Band das Fitness-Studio zu Ihrem iPod hören. Sie sollten mindestens drei oder vier Sitzungen des Cardio pro Woche, wo Sie gründlich arbeiten. Den Rest des Tages ist worauf es ankommt einfach aktiv und stehen bleiben. Ausbildung, einschließlich Abdominal-eine starke Ausbildung im allgemeinen – vor allem die größeren Muskeln und Oberschenkel und Waden-a ist ein guter Weg, um Ihre Ziele von Fettverbrennung unterstützen. Muskeln verbrennen mehr Kalorien als Fett zu halten, also je höher Ihr Anteil des Muskels auf Hausfrauen Fettkalorien verwenden Sie nur, um zu überleben! Bauch-Übungen sind der letzte Teil des Themas.

Führt eine Reihe von Bauch-Übungen, einschließlich der müssen Sie liegend werden saß und ausgelöst. Machen sie mit geringem Widerstand und viele Wiederholungen, wenn was Sie wollen einfach einen flachen Bauch und nicht sehr gut definierten und gezeichneten Muskeln haben. Tipps, um einen flachen Bauch: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihre Kalorienzufuhr kleiner als Ihre Ausgaben von Kalorien. Die einfachste Sache zu bekommen ist, Lebensmittel Low in Kalorien, Essen, da brennt einen einzigen Schokoriegel eine Menge Übung braucht. Strahl der Cardio-Teil Ihres Lebens mit Aktivitäten, die Sie wirklich zu motivieren. Auf der Suche nach ein paar Dinge, die Sie mögen, kombinieren Sie diese und Fragen Sie Familienmitglieder oder Freunde, ob sie gehen wollen. Eine starke Ausbildung mit alle Ihre Muskeln ist wichtig, nicht nur die Bauchmuskeln. Er arbeitet der Beinmuskulatur, während Sie schlafen mehr Fett verbrennen. Wenn Sie Bauchmuskelübungen tun, kombinieren. In Ihrem Bauch müssen Sie die Bauchmuskeln oben und unten, Zwischenbleche und schrägen zu arbeiten. Wenn Sie Fett aus dem Magen zu einem flachen Bauch entfernen möchten, müssen Sie haben Sie ein hervorragendes Programm von körperliches Training sowie eine ausgezeichnete Diät-Programm. Wenn Sie bereit sind zu akzeptieren, die Herausforderung, die schreckliche Fett aus Ihren Bauch zu entfernen, klicken Sie einfach auf die folgende Adresse: m

Volkswagen Gol

Transversality is one of the key success of reggae: it’s me a bricklayer, a striper, a Professor of art history, or a big brother participant, if I go to a place and am well received, undoubtedly querre back. And this move includes much more than those who rejects. The core of the argento-Jamaican hearing are the hard rastamanes, those who know perfectly well who was Haile Salassie I, who buy vinyls of rocksteady, which in a single roast come a massacre of poor animals. This small but militant group known to be the more dogmatic, and look at changes to his around with some misgivings: who say reggae artist but apart from the most pure there will be little less than succumbed to the temptations of Babylon. It was about gathering a significant mass of people that is interiorized in the genre but not adhering to religious precepts / philosophical. This sector of the public knows the cloth, enjoy diving in this mundilo, is often search for new musical experiences (are those that recommend you to culture profetica or Sizzla, for example) and, above all, follow local groups outside the festivals and major events. Moonves. Also enters you the ganja, but eats variety and or kicking moves to Africa. And finally this group that gives it its status of mass to the scene: that of occasional visitors.

Here is where the reggae receives world rhythm: just go to a recital of any averagely convoking band for either with people from all the clubs, coexisting in peace without scaring each other. Three dreadlocks hanging out of the fourth ring of Saturn, to less than a meter of five owners of Volkswagen Gol tuned cars and their blond girlfriends. At a reggae show, nobody at odds, but beyond some that another singer. The scene has look, its principles and its own codes, but argue them not required you to accept yourself, something that usually does not happen in the punk, metal or the rolinguismo (don’t I think? ANDA with a tight pink pants to see Dancing Mood and jibs, and then tell me how you did on each side). And so, if I have fun here and everyone respects me as I am, why not return? and why not invite my friends? The theory of reggae proclaims equality between all the men; the practice applied, in a microcosm, that same concept. Coherencua between the saying and the fact, that if that is new.

Delicious Omelette

Two girls take stock of their students learn with Zebra-tours to England Advisor texts and there are colorful glossy catalogue pages of tour operators on the subject of student language without end. Andersson-Dubin. But as experience young people staying on the ground and take the stock for their language skills? An experience report of Alina and Leila from Leipzig, who undertook a two-week language course with homestay in last summer with Zebra-tours to England. Whether the two-week students learn in the English Hastings has paid off? Of course, the memories and impressions on the spot but more vivid than the pictures in the textbooks “, Leila Panzig said. And with this experience we can Yes, there the disciple of Leipzig Immanuel-Kant-gymnasium is certain compare much better everything familiar from home. In August 2011 the 13 year old undertook together with their friend Alina Trujillo, as well as other young people from all over Germany to the language to Hastings, the traditional seaside resort on the English channel. For the two girls. that was mainly the language since the third class English lessons, the decisive reason for the destination. But also the country itself is so incredibly original,”Leila and excitement before the ride without the parents explained they had not.

Finally we were already in the year before together in Warsaw!”, and sound the two around with cze learn?” or dzi? kuj? “in Polish away. Hastings, the two girlfriends brought already a belonging English basic vocabulary. And he was enriched locally by visiting a school, stay in a host family, as well as numerous excursions. In the exhibitions we have set however always the native language at the audiovisual museum guides”, they admit, and giggle. So lifelike smugglers figures at the Museum have smugglers cave”in Hastings on German explains how they to good old pirates times their rum, tobacco or black powder Customs has been challenged on.

Space Invaders

The Internet is a very dangerous for children and also for adults. But as adults we take care that our children are not threatened by the evils of the Internet? This is a question we ask all parents. Children are no longer those who were before. They are now exposed in a clear manner to new influences and technology that there is and that reaching them more quickly than ourselves. and Ethan Coen, who has experience with these questions. Children can today speak of an iPod, iPhone, GPS, MP4 as then we talked about figures or strollers Matchbox brand. Children often ask us to play on the Internet in these online games sites.

Many of the games that are presented are not exactly for children, but rather for adults. As we know which sites are for children it is somewhat difficult to know and should first review the sites alone before sailing in dangerous waters. Moonves shows great expertise in this. Many gaming sites are based on violent movies, virtual games but don’t like retro games, fun games that there is no as compare for your innocence and freshness that still leaves no surprise despite the passage of the years. Games with Pacman, Simon, Space Invaders, Tetris and asteroids are of the first games that hit our children for several decades. Let us make our children also enjoy these games as we did and have a healthier childhood based on them. Original author and source of the article..