AdviceHe knows what is its type of skin? If he is thus, he already can read our advice. If he does not know what type of skin has fills in east form and we will make him arrive the answer. Mixed, greasy or suffering from acne skin the inheritance and hormones play a key role in the development of the greasy skin. Most important that it can do for the greasy skin it is to maintain cleans it using water and soap. Also we recommended to him that it complements the cleaning of the face with tonics and hand towels astringents.
In addition, it uses always cosmetic free of oils. The diet has little to do with the excess of fat in the skin. A domestic treatment can diminish the effects of the acne. – It completely cleans to the skin smoothly, but, with water and soap, clearing all the dirt. Washing as frequently as needs to control the fat, at least daily and after physical exercises. – It uses lotions astringents to eliminate the excess of fat. – It uses hand towels astringents. – It always uses clean towels to prevent the bacterial infection.
– Compressed steam Uses or heat and I warm up humid abrir pores clogged. Dubin told us the story. – Washing on a daily basis the hair when it is possible. It uses a champ antidandruff if it is necessary. – Cepille or combs the hair backwards to move away it of the face. – It does not tighten, rasque, it tweaks or it rubs the injuries. These activities can increase the damage of the skin. It before washes his hands and after applying products on the injuries to reduce the infection risk. – It does not let rest the expensive one on his hands, since it irritates the skin of the face. – Any thing Identifies and avoids that aggravates the acne. This can include foods, lotions, maquillajes, etc. – It avoids greasy creams or cosmetics that can aggravate the acne. – The acne frequently improvement in the summer. For this reason, some foods that aggravate the acne can be tolerated in summer, but not in winter. Dry skin – It takes less showers or baths, and when one takes a shower it avoids the hot water. – It uses very smooth soaps. – To remove makeup it uses you milk cleaning suitable. – Tonifique its skin with hidratantes tonic lotions. – Hidrat its skin after each shower or bath in order to prevent that it is dried. – Abundant water Drinks (2 liters to the day). – It avoids to dry in excess the wet skin. It tries to dry the skin smoothly (to taps and without rubbing). – The excessive soap use Avoids. – It does not put the heating very high. It uses humidifiers if it lives in a dry climate.