The ceilings of gypsum board is now very widespread, because they have a definite number of advantages. Applying drywall, you can create a near perfect flat surface suspended ceiling. There is no secret that the beautiful smooth ceilings in our homes – quite a rarity, changes in the 8-10 sm.obychnaya situation. The ceiling of plasterboard really quickly and is able to solve this problem. It is not difficult the installation and fine hides the presence of defects, cracks. Drywall is easy to help reveal any crazy designer fantasies. Without a doubt, the moldings in the Baroque style to get hardly fail, however, when available room is large enough altitude, it is possible to mount the suspension layered ceiling. Moving forward in design ideas you need to consider the use of light solutions – raster lighting, but its main purpose solutions, will share the room to light zone.
It is worth noting that the plasterboard ceiling is always suitable for any room. It can be installed with equal success for living room and nursery. In the construction of false ceilings in bathrooms use waterproof sheets. Drywall is one of the few environmentally friendly and harmless to humans building materials, because made without the use of chemical additives, just natural ingredients – gypsum fiber reinforced and cardboard. Another advantage of gypsum ceiling-high soundproofing and Increased fire resistance. Therefore, these ceilings are very well protected from the noisy neighbors who live on the top floor. Like all other systems ceilings, gypsum is not able to cope with the flood.
Concerns will be enough. if neighbors above flood you, I'll have to wait until the ceiling is wet dries, and then decide what to do: change the entire structure by replacing all or some of its parts. Before you opt for a false ceiling of gipsokartna need vyyasnt few moments. To begin, decide how many inches above your head, you may sacrifice for the sake of a beautiful acquisition. Standard built-in ceiling light point is small size with a height of 9 cm, ie the required minimum clearance to plasterboard construction will be 10 inches. In addition to wiring, ceiling conceals all sorts of utilities ( ventilation ducts and plumbing pipes). In this case we omit the ceiling is slightly lower. For the installation of these ceilings is best to hire professionals. Under this option, one square meter moisture-resistant ceiling for the kitchen or bathroom will cost the customer an average of 500 – 600 rubles, along with painting and construction work. If you try to make myself a ceiling, in which case you can save up to half the amount. However, one this work can not cope. It is important to remember that drywall – not easy stuff, one square meter weighs okolo15 kg. The length of a standard sheet of drywall is 250 cm, width – 120 cm, width – 10 or 12.5 millimeters, so that number of people who work with gypsum board is two people.