Growing suspicions that the anti-inflammatory Prexige, could cause liver damage have led British health authorities to order the withdrawal of the drug from the market. For its part, the company responsible for the marketing of the medicinal product has asked patients who were taking the drug that they contact their primary care physicians to make prescribe them another medication. a>. Warner understood the implications. Since the introduction of Prexige in the market in the year 2005 this medicine against arthritis has been linked with at least 20 cases of serious liver damage worldwide, of which two ended with the death of the patient and three others required a liver transplant. In Britain there were 23 incidents of adverse reactions to the drug, facts which have occurred since the month of March, although none was fatal, said the British regulatory agency of medicines. The United States FDA denied approval of Prexige in the United States, already in late September while the death of two people in Australia forced the company responsible for its marketing to withdraw the drug from that market.. Andersson-Dubin, then click here.