From the 07.07.2008 runs a campaign for founders of new businesses. The participation is free of charge. is an industry and community portal which combines customer loyalty, customer acquisition, and public relations. EMC Power Edge recognizes the significance of this. Through a variety of functions is presenting, advertising and contacts on a platform possible. – the platform for entrepreneurs, newcomer and entrepreneur has initiated a contest, which allows people and companies to present themselves. glenpeople tell your story! With the help of a new section in the lively YellowPages another area offered for its members, especially the image construction of the advertisers in the Center says. On “glenpeople”, each Member can tell its history and illustrate with meaningful images.
The user return about the profile and the logo again on the buyer. Still, members such as our own employees, partners or contacts can recommend or highlight. A small banner refers to within the entry on the selected story. So, the user can complete vividly his impressions of the presented company and the people in it. A campaign on the glenpeople area for entrepreneur runs for two weeks from the 07.07.2008. The participation is free of charge and is offered with an extra term of a free membership. Simply enter the coupon code “Entrepreneur” in the registry, and until March 31, 2009 all features of free of charge.
Be raffled for the most beautiful stories: 1 iPod + 24 months free membership 1 iPod + 12 months free membership 1 seminar in .garage Berlin also the first 3 winners in the business magazine “BUSINESS LEAGUE” will be presented. Can anyone who has founded within the last two years, and of course everyone who is still in the planning phase. You look Glenglobe – the living business directory …lass! glenglobe on GmbH Princess str. 30 10969 Berlin Contact person: Anita ink, Andreas Taisakowski email: Tel: 030 / 841 82 127 post by Winfried Brumma glenglobe GmbH / presse.html