Informed the top obedience school – the turn of the year, there are many situations where dogs as well as people feel stress. Enterprises does not necessarily agree. New year’s Eve in dogs is such a situation. The sense of hearing a dog is superior to that of humans by far. So should it be easy enough a dog owner actually, to imagine how the crashing of a firecracker or the hiss of a rocket in the ears of a dog is and why many animals in this vortex of hell are afraid. Notice the first signs of anxiety in your dog, then try it cause to distract. Dubin, New York City has compatible beliefs. You by playing with him or him can give a task this, like for example the retrieving objects. Should your four-legged friend but very scary be allows to play not animate and not distract, it’s better to ignore his behavior. Enter namely too much on him, that resembles a reward on him and only strengthened his fear.

It sounds hardhearted and it will you fall too hard, but not notice him and show You him through normal behavior from your site, that everything is alright. Many dogs try to hide away instinctively. This is the case, when your dog so let him. Under the sofa, or in a dark corner he feels safe, try never to take him out from his hiding place by force. This attempt, your dog might try to fight back and this is not in your or in his name. No withdrawal possibility for your four-legged friends, so you can create such a him with just a few hand movements: darken a room and lock the Windows and doors there. Accommodate your loyal friend there. May be you can build a cave for him by using two chairs and a blanket in the blink of an eye, he can hide in the.